Victor Hugo the unknown story of the famous French author and poet.

 Victor Hugo the unknown story of the famous French author and poet. 

Victor Hugo. He was a famous author and poet. He was born on February 26 1802 Besançon France. His father's name was Joseph Leopold sigisbert Hugo and mother's name was Sophie trebuchet.

His father was a freethinking Republican, And his mother was a devoted Catholic royalist, his father's job required him to move constantly from one place to another, traveling with his father to different countries, young Hugo developed a liking for nature and beauty. By 1803 His mother was exhausted of traveling and decided to stay back in Paris, while his father went to Italy. She took up the responsibility of Victor's education, and successfully imbibed in him the Catholic faith. 

in 1822 at the age of 20, his first volume of poetry notes at post these diverse is was published, which established his reputation as a poet and earned him a royal pension from Lewis the 18. Four years later, his second collection of poetry notes "odes et balades" strengthened his reputation further. Meanwhile, his first novel "han d'islande" was published in 1823, followed by his second novel "Bug jargal" , published in 1826. 

From 1829 to 1840, he published five collections of poetry.

 in 1829. He also published a fiction "le dernier jour d'un condamné", His first mature work, 

his first full length book was "Notre Dame de Paris" is published in 1831. It was immensely successful, and was promptly translated to a number of foreign languages.

 around 1830 He embarked on writing the most important novel of his literary career "Les Miserables". 

After several years of writing, followed by planned marketing campaigns by the Belgian publishing house lacroix and verboeckhe. The novel was finally published in 1862. 

in 1841. After three futile attempts, he was elected to the academy Francaise. Thereafter, he became more and more involved in French politics, supporting the Republic form of government. King Louis Philippe promoted him and made him a part of the higher chamber is a 'pair de France' .

After the revolution of 1848 and the establishment of the Second Republic, He was elected to the Parliament as a conservative. A few years later, when Napoleon the Third seized power in 1851 and established an anti parliamentary constitution, he objected openly calling him a traitor. As a result, he was exiled, he settled in Guernsey and lived there until 1870.

 During his exile, he published two famous political pamphlets against Napoleon the Third, 'Napoleon le petit' and 'histoire d' un crime'. Although the pamphlets were banned in France, they managed to create a strong impact there nonetheless. In 1859, when amnesty was granted to all political exiles by Napoleon the Third, he chose not to return to France, and imposed upon himself as self exile. He was determined to return only when the Napoleon dynasty was removed from power. May Meanwhile on the literary front, he published his next novel 'les travailleurs de la mer' in 1866. The success of his previous novel, 'les misérables' and ensured that 'les travailleurs de la mer'was also a success.

with his next novel' l'Homme Qui Rit', he again returned to social issues, the book published in 1869 depicted a critical image at the upper class.

 After the fall of Napoleon the Third, and the establishment of the Third Republic in France, Victor Hugo returned to his country, in 1870, and was soon appointed to the National Assembly in the Senate. 

He also became a founding member of the association literary and artistic internacional.

two years later in 1872, he lost the National Assembly elections. The writings of his last few years were murky, highlighting themes like God, Satan and death.

His last novel 'quatre-vingts-treize' 93 was published in 1874.

He got secretly engaged to his childhood sweetheart Adele foucher and married her later in 1822. 

In 1878, he began suffering from cerebral congestion, on 22 May 1885 At the age of 83, Victor Hugo breathed his last.

 laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face said, Victor Hugo.

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