How Bill Gates becames the youngest Billionaire at age 31.

The youngest Billionaire in the world At Age 31 only. 

1// Bill gates school

October 19 Bill Gates is born shortly after 9pm in Seattle, Washington. William Bill Henry Gates The third was born, his age, the second in Mary Maxwell gates, his unique brain power and curiosity for technology were discovered early January. Bill Gates education, the lakeside School, an exclusive right in the snow in Seattle, we're hearing friends of Bill Gates and Paul Allen Mills share an interest in computers and programming. 

2// Bill gates first computer programme. 

So, let's say June 1969 program took an interest in programming, the G system in basic at age 13 He wrote his first computer program on a computer, which was an implementation that allowed the computer. February 1973 enrolled in Harvard University. After graduating from Lakewood school national merit scholar in spring and 90 out of 1600 on the SAT gets enrolled in Harvard University where he studied in pre law, influenced by his father, but later his focus is shifted towards computers in programming.

3// the first version of Microsoft Windows

Bill Gates who signs up for a job with meds, from his dorm room to develop software for the men's Altair starting his journey a program later marks his first absence, dropping. You're working on the software journey refers to a gentleman. We may in 1976 registers, like herself train gates and Allen wrenches in the new rate market, Microsoft, open letter to computer hobbyists, condemning the early adopters for sharing, rather than for software. 1977. Microsoft is the second absence for Microsoft with an album here. And where MIT is headquartered. Microsoft sales exceed $1 million in 1970, in the gaming bill on reputation, have been focused in 1981, Microsoft launches, MS DOS rates and buys the rights. Operating System dos from Seattle products. 

Since 1983 Allen leaves Microsoft after developing Hodgkin's disease, and Microsoft Windows is an extension of its MS DOS operating system. November in 1985, Microsoft Windows and IBM, Bill launched the first retail version of Microsoft Windows. In August of the following year, Microsoft struck a deal with IBM to develop a separate operating system called Oh s slash two, although the partnership deteriorated due to creative differences.

4// Bill Gates the youngest Billionaire. 

November 1987 youngest billionaire in the world. At age 31 Gates becomes the youngest billionaire ever he meets his future wife, Melinda French at a Microsoft event in New York, the same year, September 1989 The emergence of a corpus, an archive of art and photography from public corpus later becomes one of the largest collection of visual information in the world. In September 1990 Bill, versus the Federal Trade Commission began an investigation into possible collusion between IBM and Microsoft for divvying up the market for operating systems in an anti competitive way. The matter was later settled in 1994 March 1994 Gates Mary's blimps Bill Gates and Melinda French got married in 1994 on a golf course on the Hawaiian island of Hussein. They had three children together, Jennifer, Rory and Philby. In the same year they found one of the largest private foundations in the world. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 99 richest man alive. At age $39 billion. Gates becomes the world's richest man leader that summer in 1985,

5// Internet Explorer becames part of Windows 95.

 Microsoft introduces Internet Explorer to the world, as part of Windows 95 games begins to shift Microsoft's focus toward the emerging Internet. In 1998, Microsoft faces lawsuit. US Justice Department charges Microsoft with engaging in anti competitive and exclusionary practices designed to maintain its monopoly in personal computer operating systems, and to extend that monopoly to Internet browsing software may 2000 steps down as Microsoft CEO Gates has stepped down as CEO of Microsoft gates former Harvard dorm mate and right hand man Steve Ballmer takes over the hell. Well gates becomes a software architect. This is Mark. He's an engineer, a really good one, but you see he's in software, July, 2005, honoring Bill Gates, Queen Elizabeth the Second bestows an honorary knighthood on indeed for his contributions to time names, a person of the year, along with Melinda Gates, and Bono are what the magazine called his American December 2007 graduates from Harvard after dropping at the university awards and with an honorary degree. Gates gives the commencement speech, encouraging the graduates to strive for social change.

February 24 At Microsoft, philanthropy, gain stepped down as chairman of Microsoft in currently serves as an advisor to support CEO Satya Nadella he dedicated himself to Bill and Melinda foundation on global issues of climate change, global health and development, education, march 2020 All I care about is the world's. Currently the fourth richest in the world, with the worth of 123 million. On March 13 2020 Gates left his board in positions at Berkshire Hathaway, and Microsoft and dedicate yourself to his philanthropic endeavors in 2011 says.

This is the story about the youngest Billionaire in the world Bill Gates. 

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